Deliver money to every corner of the world with one simple Integration. No jokes.
Maplerad's Transfers API empowers your business to make transfers to different financial institutions via a single call.
Supported Transfer Methods
We currently support:
- NGN Bank Transfer
- USD Transfer (via FEDWIRE or ACH)
- Francophone Mobile Money (MoMo) Transfer
- Maplerad Pay (Transfer from your business wallet to another)
"amount": 55000,
"currency": "NGN"
"bank_code": "531",
"account_number": "237000000000",
"amount": 50000,
"reason": "enjoy",
"currency": "XAF",
"reference": "maplerad_refer777",
"meta": {
"scheme": "MOBILEMONEY",
"counterparty": {
"name": "John Snow"
Kindly ensure you configure your Webhook URL to receive the status of a transfer.
"event": "transfer.successful",
"id": "8da60fd7-473b-4a02-bc12-12a9d136147e",
"reference": null,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"created_at": "2022-07-02 00:49:34.8221 -0500 CDT",
"updated_at": "2022-07-02 00:49:34.8221 -0500 CDT"
"event": "transfer.failed",
"id": "8da60fd7-473b-4a02-bc12-12a9d136147e",
"reference": null,
"status": "FAILED",
"created_at": "2022-07-02 00:49:34.8221 -0500 CDT",
"updated_at": "2022-07-02 00:49:34.8221 -0500 CDT"
Updated 8 months ago