Wirepay Metacap proxy and VPN issue
introduced my friend to wire pay and now his money is stuck pls we need solution it showing this and he has tried it on about 5 to 6 devices and still bringing the same error whenever we want to do the ID identity verification, which means its not about the phone being used its your system pls fix this
Card Tranasctions list is always empty
I am calling sandbox api of "Get Card Transactions" with card id but it always giving an empty array.
What will be the response if payment is failed
I'm integrating the webhook, but I noticed there's no documentation on transaction failures. In the event of a failed transaction, if I receive the webhook, what will the response look like?
I still cant access my maplerad account since yesterday
I still cant access my account kindly help me to update my to my Gmail account.
I cant Access my account OTP Problem
Am trying to login to my account this morning, OTP was not send to my email and even i didnt get any alert of money deposited into my account. Kindly help me out because i will lost alot of money today if i cant get into my account. Dont let me loss customer please
Why do i get "insuffitient funds" when i tred to fund a card or created one
"status": false,
"message": "insufficient funds"
Hi How do i make an API call with my credential
How do i use my credentials here to make this call to create a card;
OTP do not get to be sent to my email whenever I tried logging into sandbox
I CANNOT login to sandbox after creating account. i noticed that OTP do not get to be sent to my email whenever I tried logging into sandbox
I can login to sandbox after creating account
Hello, i noticed that OTP do not get to be sent to my email whenever I tried logging into sandbox
Is it possible to use an async approach for upgrading a customer because it takes too long and times out most times.
Is it possible to use an async approach for upgrading a customer because it takes too long and times out most times.